Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Day 6 Band at the beach! how cool is that?

Day 6 - Time to get away from the MASSES of people at Disney and head to the Gulf of Mexico!

 Somebody was tired.
 Looks heavenly doesn't it!

We caught up with the band at the beach, on the gulf side.  It was so neat to see them play next to a restaurant owned by a Waverly man with the gulf in the background!

 (more photos will be posted on facebook to tag)

 I should mention that we frequently ate large amounts of french fries on this trip.

 And Jedd ordered ribs at about every place we ate.

 It was fun to see Waverly friends on the beach.  Daniel couldn't resist sneaking up....
 ... and pretending to toss her in the water.
 He also couldn't resist getting in, even though it was cold and windy.

 This jacket is his baby. 

The falcons just happened to be playing against TAMPA that day!
 Are you tired of my bird photos yet?

Me and my Jeddy.  And my newly acquired blue reflective aviators. 


There were tons of Michigan and South Carolina fans at the beach too.

These Michigan fans were hilarious. This guy hid under a sheet.
 While another guy dumped potato chips on his tummy, then......
 When the gulls were right on him snacking..... swoosh!
 he caught one!
 Poor unsuspecting gull.
 I heart color.
 Daniel hearts dead stuff.
 Neat church.
 Crazy looking hotel.
And that y'all, completes the the best of Day 6 photos! 

Day 7 ---- another parade! 

The Outback B*owl Parade! 

It rocked! 

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